
Choosing the right blanket

A baby blanket is often more than just a cover to keep your little one warm.During the first stage / Primary stage of your newborn baby, He or she is going to spend lot of time sleeping. So it is very important for you to select a good blanket that satisfy their comfort and security.There are some common factors that everyone should consider when buy a blanket.

Each baby blanket size can serve a different purpose. And remember, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that babies younger than 12 months old shouldn’t sleep with a blanket in the crib.

Blanket Materials

A baby blanket should be made out of materials that are gentle on sensitive skin and breathable to make sleep comfortable.When making or buying a blanket for your little one, you should choose materials that are best suited for a baby’s sensitive skin. You shouldn’t be using anything dense or scratchy. Soft, washable materials, like organic cotton and cotton fleece, work best.Wool also can be considered as one of the best durable alternative.But in order to use it you have to make sure your baby isn’t have an allergic reaction to this material.

How do you test to make sure that a blanket is breathable?

It’s very important to make sure that a blanket is breathable, you can check that from just holding blanket up next to a fan.So If you can feel the breeze through the blanket, the material is breathable. A good breathable material? Cotton. Look for organic cotton and avoid synthetic materials if possible.

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